Archive for the ‘Authentic Life’ category

Are You a Passenger or and Inhabiter?

Are You a Passenger or and Inhabiter?
January. 2017

Are You a Passenger or and Inhabiter? Recently my son and I went to see the movie “Passenger”.  I enjoyed it very much, but decided to read what the critics had to say after the fact. The reviews were all over the place, however the professional reviewers were not kind, saying that the characters and […]

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How Do You Measure Healthy?

June. 2014

One of the reoccurring topics in counseling and coaching is a person’s desire to be healthier. This means different kinds of healthy to different people, “I just want to eat right to be healthy” or “I want to start exercising so I feel better about myself” or “I know if I do my daily prayer […]

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