These foundational principles helps guide our counseling sessions. They are a compass to help us remind us why we do what we do.
- Everyone has a unique story to tell, hurts that need healing, and obstacles to overcome.
- Our story is our living testimony, a reflection of God’s redemption and our unique imprint on the world. It’s ours to cultivate and nourish.
- Sometimes we need help navigating through the difficult twists and turns of our journey.
- Our journey consists of much more than a list of do’s and don’ts. People don’t need to be fixed.
- People need permission to be imperfect more than they need advice. They need to be launched into authentic living.
- We have an enemy who wants to rob us of our joy. He wants to keep us from all God intends for us.
- Personal and spiritual growth takes longer than we thought, can be harder than we anticipated, and is often more painful than we think we can stand. Sometimes it may feel like surgery without anesthesia. But, the outcome is richer than we imagined, lovelier than we dreamed, and more life giving than we believed possible.
- There isn’t quite anything like the story of hope given through another person’s journey.
- We all have to make choices based on our season of life. Give yourself permission to not have it all, do it all, or know it all. Do what is at your feet to do with all the love you can. Don’t sweat the rest.
- No one grows/learns in exactly the same way. What may work for some, may not work for others.
- Although we have permission to be where we are, God challenges us to grow and flourish in order to experience the very best He has for us. We need people in our life who challenge us to be fully engaged in our story.